
Join us at the Homeschool Curriculum Fair!

The Homeschool Curriculum Fair is an annual event put up by the local homeschool community. This year, it is featured as the second part of the Homeschool Convention.

At the Fair, expect to :

  • Browse various curricula used by homeschoolers. Many curricula are “on view” only and not sold. This is really our stuff that we lugged out of the home to share with you!
  • Meet homeschoolers who use the curricula. Ask them questions or get information about how to buy them.
  • Connect with vendors that offer related products and services to homeschoolers. Who knows? You could start a new course or co-op!

There’s Mystery of History, Story of the World, A Child’s History of the World, Classical Conversations, Montessori, Ambleside Online (Charlotte Mason), K12, Math-U-See, Spelling-U-See, Chinese resources, Reading Made Easy, Life of Fred (Maths and Language Arts series), Apologia Science and more! 

The tickets are at an affordable $5 per family or person. This is such a good deal. That means whether you turn up alone, or with 5 kids in tow, the cost is the same.

Tickets can be purchased at the door. The venue is Le Danz @ 222 Queen Street.

See you there!

PS. Are you interested to put up a stall at the fair? If you are a homeschooler or vendor with something relevant for the community, pls contact

updates :  FAIR VENDOR LIST is FULL. Thank you for your support. We will ignore further emails.