
CISV programme in Sweden for 11 year-olds

Anyone interested to send their kids to Sweden for a month long programme? The local chapter of CISV International is interested to reach out to homeschoolers!

CISV is a global, volunteer led organization, located in 70 countries and 200 cities, dedicated to educating and inspiring for peace through building inter-cultural friendship, cooperation and understanding. Founded in 1950, CISV has over 60 years of youth education programming in the area of diversity and intercultural friendship.

The upcoming month long education programme in Sweden, titled ‘Village’, is scheduled from 30th June to 27th July 2017. Village is a four-week international camp unique to CISV. Delegations of two boys and two girls (age 11) with a leader (minimum age 21) from 10 to 12 nations and the host staff (Sweden) participate in a multi-cultural camp featuring experiential education activities and emphasising global friendship, cross/cultural communication and cooperative living. Village participants come to understand how they are alike and to celebrate their differences.

Village is a CISV signature programme and it started the CISV global movement 60 years ago.

Email Joey Ng at for more info.

More Links :
1. CISV is a partner organisation of UNESCO
2. CISV Founder Doris Twitchell Allen