
Thank you for supporting our Teen Open Mic

The homeschooled teens and audience had a blast at the Teen Open Mic at the Moving Image Gallery of 8Q. Here are some lovely pictures from John Teoh, our teen photographer. 

How it came about : The Teen Open Mic was a byproduct of a fortnightly, 6-week songwriting co-op taught by me. The teens were given an introduction to songwriting – I let them hear songs from different countries and we analysed 2-3 songs from each country and what made their songs unique. Each week, the teens developed their songs based on what they have learnt or were inspired by. After the co-op, the songs were developed for a Teen Open Mic platform.

What went on at the Teen Open Mic : Each teen shared what the song was about (the programme is here) before the performance. We were treated to various expressions of their work, which were very different from how they started. One work turned into a spoken word performance, another was a music video.  The teens worked very hard, were open to critique and re-drafts and committed to rehearsals. The result was naturally, a wonderful ambience of song and heart.

A big thank you to our venue supporter, The Singapore Art Museum, especially Eunice Poh, who shared the vision to empower children and youths at the Imaginarium.

Written by Dawn Fung