
Little U Year 1 Modules

You’ve read our first post on Little U, and our list of guest speakers. Now get to know our Little U Year 1 Modules, where trust + open learning + community growth go hand in hand.

Each year starting 2018, the Homeschool Singapore community will offer teaching modules at Little U. These automatically means you get to be part of the Faculty.

“The faculty of Little U are fellow homeschooling parents who push their boundaries, and share expertise to teach one another’s own. We will journey with you in your Little U homeschooling years.”

These are our requirements if you want to teach at Little U :

  1. You have experience running homeschool co-ops. This shows you understand the homeschooling learning environment, how to manage conflicts and different learning needs.
  2. You are familiar in the homeschool community – people know you and trust you. If we don’t know you, we will not entrust you with teaching our kids.
  3. You must have mastery over the content you offer. If you want to offer something interesting but you are not good at, do it at a co-op level. We will not travel across the island to learn something we can do ourselves.
  4. You must commit to the Faculty 2 years minimum. A one year commitment is not enough for us to develop your teaching potential.

Here are the Little U Year 1 Modules (2018-2019)
The Little U calendar runs from Jun to Mar annually. There will be a break during the Homeschool Convention season.


  • LITTLE SCIENTIST. Weekly science experiments that are so much fun, you want to do it all over again!
  • GREAT HABITS for kids. Get to know your personalities and how your habits form.
  • PHONICS CAMP. Learn how to speak and read.
  • BAKING WITH TAMMY FOR KIDS. Make simple yeast based food with Aunty Tammy. #homehawker


  • B.O.R.E.D. It stands for “Board of Really Energetic Directors”. Content creation for Litte U’s Year 2 by young designers.
  • REAL LIFE MATHEMATICS. Learn how math functions in real life settings.
  • GREAT HABITS for tweens. Get to know your personalities and how your habits form.
  • CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE – PROJECT DREAM HOUSE. How to design and build a dream house.
  • MUSIC APPRECIATION – FOUR SEASONS. Read and analyse the Four Seasons music manuscript.
  • VIDEOGRAPHY (WITH DSLR) 201. How to make and edit film with a high end camera.
  • ELDERLY CARE PROJECT. How to help care for the elderly at a local home for the elderly.


  • SPEAK YOUR MIND. Fast paced critical conversations on current affairs. Topics include Cults, Religion, Heritage, Art, Family. It’s a blast.
  • PHOTOGRAPHY 101. Take photographs in a more professional manner.
  • VIDEOGRAPHY (WITH DSLR) 201. How to make and edit film with a high end camera.
  • GREAT HABITS for teons. Get to know your personalities and how your habits form.
  • PUBLIC SPEAKING EVALUATION. Speak effectively and get tips from an experienced public speaker.


  • HOW TO CONNECT ON FB. How to use Facebook wisely to your advantage.
  • DRAW IT REAL by Artean Studio. Learn how to draw realistically from a professional artist.
  • KNOWING YOURSELF (Young Adults & Parents). This is a full day MBTI course that helps you understand your personality and how to be self-aware in situations.
  • BAKING WITH TAMMY FOR ADULTS. Make baked goods with Tammy the homehawker and get real life coaching on the go. #homehawker
  • PARENTING – RESPOND OR REACT? Learn how to parent responsibly and calmly.
  • PSLE CONVERSATIONS – MATH. Teach your kids PSLE Math through fun conversations.
  • PUBLIC SPEAKING EVALUATION. Speak effectively and get tips from an experienced public speaker.
  • DEVELOP A FAMILY VISION by Cassandra Shepherd. How to develop a family vision and stick to it.


  • THEATRE FUN FOR THE FAMILY! Learn some theatre history and how to make theatre as a family!

Little U Year 1 Modules are currently offered to the Homeschool Singapore community. We will be opening up to the homeschool community at large from Year 3 onwards. Do watch the space.

Next post : The Outreach – classes open to everyone!