Dads at home, we hear you. Here is a special to acknowledge your important role in the family.
Fathers play such an important role. In this challenging season, daddies find themselves in the unconventional situation of having to juggle multiple roles of being a husband, father and employer or boss all in the same time and space. While this allows for more opportunities for family connectedness, it presents its share of frustration as well.
Now that you are home all the time, the boundaries of work, family and home get blurred. Your children want you to play with them. Your work demands your attention. Your spouse hopes you can help out with housework. You are feeling stretched and wish that you have a man cave to retreat into for a while.
Dads at home, we hear you. Starting tomorrow, three homeschool dads will share their stories with you. We hope that these will encourage and support you as you balance work and family at home.