Join us at the THE FUTURE OF PARENTING SUMMIT! 10 presenters. Free event.
Usually around this time of the year, we will have the Homeschool Convention. This year, the Homeschool Convention takes a break. But for parents looking for a midpoint recharge, something wonderful is around the corner. The Future of Parenting Summit, organised by Dr Cheryl Kam, also a homeschooling mum, brings together 10 presenters in the field of parenting and child development. They will share insights about resilience, psychology, learning, neurodiversity, trauma awareness, conscious parenting, and self-responsibility. Homeschooling and unschooling advocates include Peter Gray, Judy Arnall, Dawn Fung, and Darren Quek (Forest School).
Below is a sneak preview of what Dawn Fung will be sharing on THE POWER OF PARENT EDUCATION.
Other sneak previews are available on Dr Cheryl Kam’s IG feed. Registration for this event packed with valuable insight of the new parenting paradigm is absolutely FREE, so be sure to save your spot. Even if you cannot make it, the videos are available for you to access for life.
Click to sign up at this link :